Bluetooth Manager Module
This chapter gives general information on MobileMapper CE’s
Bluetooth Manager module. For detailed information on how
you can establish a GPRS connection via Bluetooth Manager,
please refer to
Step-by-Step Procedure for Establishing a
GPRS Connection Via Bluetooth on page 17
MobileMapper CE is equipped with built-in Bluetooth technol-
ogy that allows short-range connections to other Bluetooth-en-
abled devices such as cellular phones, personal digital
assistants (PDA), desktop or notebook computers.
Bluetooth offers fast, reliable, and secure wireless communi-
Host and Inquiring Devices
In any communication between two Bluetooth-enabled devic-
es, one of them is the
inquiring device
and the other the
• The
device is the one that detects and uses one
of the local services of the other device.
• Reciprocally, the
device is the one that is discovera-
ble and that makes its local services available for the
inquiring device.
Here are two typical examples in which MobileMapper CE is
successively the inquiring device and the host device:
• When you operate MobileMapper CE in NTRIP or Direct IP
DGPS mode, the cell phone used is the host device and
MobileMapper CE is the inquiring device. The local serv-
ice used in the cell phone is the
Dial-Up Networking serv-
• When you output GPS data via the auxiliary port,
MobileMapper CE is the host device and the external
device receiving the data via Bluetooth is the inquiring
device. The local service used in MobileMapper CE is the
Serial Port Service.