The USB cable has
to be disconnected
in order for the
network drive to
work. It is not
possible to use both
interfaces at the
same time!
To connect the LAN
disk to your network,
an additional switch,
router or hub may
be required.
If you connect the
LAN disk to your
computer directly,
make sure to obtain
the IP address and
DNS settings
otherwise you may
not be able to find
the device.
4 LAN Disk Setup
To configure your LAN disk, you will need to use a web
browser, enter the IP address of your device and then use the
web configuration for further setup.
Before trying to access the device, make sure the USB cable
has been disconnected and the drive is connected to the same
local network as your computer.
4.1 How to Login
4.1.1 Login on a PC
Open your web browser and type STORAGE or if connected
directly to your computer, type into the URL field
and hit the Enter key to connect.
If you have more than one device connected at the same time,
type STORAGE-xxxx, where the xxxx stands for the last four
digits of your Mac address as seen on the bottom of your
device (example STORAGE-2343).
Default Login
Username: admin
Password: admin
Note: We strongly suggest you to change the password as
soon as you are logged in, to prevent unauthorized access.
Page 8 / Chapter 4 - LAN Disk Setup