995051 – Revision A
Page 7 of 36
6.0 – Decommissioning
When the Hoist has completed its life cycle and can no longer perform to its intended use safely the
Hoist must be decommissioned by an approved Service Engineer. The following specifies the
importance of correct disposal procedure including local laws and being environmentally friendly.
Please observe the local laws on recycling and respect the current laws for disposal within the
community the device is being used within. If there is any uncertainty of the below guidelines,
contact your local authorities to determine the proper method of disposal of potentially
biohazardous parts and accessories.
The relevant components utilised in the manufacture of the device that can be recycled at the end of
the device life are:
Fully recyclables:
Consideration when Recycling:
Steel frame (Mast, Boom, Base, Legs)
Carry Bar Cover
Leg Actuator
Initial packaging of the device (cardboard)
Lift Actuator
Metallic fixing – screws etc.
H Cables
Carry Bar
Control Box