Advance 1.0, 11.2020
On the last page of the method design, factors for the
final calculation of the measurement result are entered. Formulas
up to the 4th degree can be used. Tapping on the individual fields
of the factors will open a numeric keypad for entering numerical
values. Negative factors can be depicted by entering a negative
numeric value.
The formula has the format y = F0 + F1*A + F2*A² + F3*A³ +
F4*A⁴ with A as absorbance value and Fn as factors of the
equation. The factors must be entered based on an equation,
that was determined based on a plot of concentration values
(x-axis) against the absorbance values (y-axis).
After successfully entering all parameters, confirm the entries with
. The method will be saved and included in the list of user
(see List of methods, page 25)
. The proper-
ties that were entered can be edited there via the
11.6 Scan
The spectrophotometer enables to record a sample’s absorbance
in the range of 340 nm–800 nm.
A scan is performed with the halogen lamp in the selected wave-
length range. The measurement is performed against a zero
solution. After selecting the menu via
a sample name can be
entered. The lower and upper limit of the measurement range
must be selected. The scan is performed with a precision of 1
nm. After confirming with
the measuring window appears and
the insertion of the zero solution is requested.
Afterwards the insertion of the sample solution is required. A
spectrum opens to show the absorbance over the wavelength.
The scan over the entire wavelength range can be followed live.
When the measurement is complete, the entire scan is displayed
in the result window.
Various types of sample information can be entered using the
icons located below the result window. Press the
icon to view
other available options. Via the
command, new sample
information can be added below the measurement menu
Pressing the
Do not save
command prevents the measurement
result from being stored in the instrument’s memory when the
cuvette is removed or when the menu is exited.
Do not save
function is only available in
Open Mode
Removing the cuvette or leaving the measuring menu via the
remaining icons in the application bar quits the measuring proce-
dure and saves the result in the memory of the instrument.