Revision A
Mechanical Problems
Refer to
Symptom: Excessive noise
Bent discblade
Replace blade.
Installing Discblades, page 92
Conditioner roll timing off
Check roll timing and adjust if
Adjusting Roll Timing, page 51
Bent drum deflector
Replace drum.
4.5.7 Maintaining Drums, page 100
Conditioner roll gap too small
Check gap and adjust if necessary.
Symptom: Excessive vibration or noise in header
Mud deposits on conditioner rolls
Clean rolls.
Conditioner rolls contacting each other
Increase roll gap.
Conditioner rolls contacting each other
Check roll timing.
Symptom: Excessive heat in cutterbar
Incorrect level of lubricant in cutterbar
either too little or too much
Drain lubricant and refill with specified
Draining the Cutterbar, page 74
Symptom: Frequent blade damage
Mud on cutterbar
Remove mud from cutterbar. Do
allow mud to dry on cutterbar.
Spindle bearing failure
Replace spindle bearing.
Installing Cutterbar Spindles, page
Header float set too heavy
Increase float.
Refer to windrower operator
s manual
Material wrapped around spindle
Remove disc and remove material.
Installing Discblades, page 92
Cutting too low in rocky field
Decrease header angle, increase float.
Refer to windrower
s manual
Ground speed too high in rocky field
conditions. At high ground speed,
header tends to dig rocks from ground
instead of floating over them
Reduce ground speed.
Discblades incorrectly mounted
Check all blade mounting hardware
and ensure blades are free to move.
Inspecting Discblade Hardware, page
Symptom: Excessive wear of cutting components