Operator UI manual
2 Calibration
2.1 Calibrate the grinder
The coffee grinder default setting is for reference neans, turn the adjustment screw clock-wise.
Activate the grinder in the menu.
With the grinder running, turn the adjustment screw clock-wise (fine), until the grinding wheels are
With the grinder running, turn the screw counterclockwise (course), until you have reached the desired
grinding level (one line on the wheel = 28 µm).
X For filter level, open 17 lines.
X For Espresso level, open 9 lines.
Switch the grinder off.
Turning the counter nut tight.
To make sure the setting is not changed again, the adjustment screw must be held in place with a
screwdriver when pulling the counter disk tight.
2.2 Calibrate the instant containers
Calibration allows you to adjust the JLES4C machine to the composition of the used ingredients and the
used containers. For the calibration process, you need a scale and a vessel.
Danger of wrong dosage!
Before each calibration, a 3 times test-dosage must be performed to make sure the dispenser coils are
filled. Calibration must be performed for each container.
When changing a container, motor or product, you must always calibrate again as every new component
has different weight and dispensation characteristics.
Demount the component underneath the container you wish to calibrate (brewing unit or mixer) and
dissemble it. Have a vessel ready to catch the ingredient amount and to weigh it. Have a suitable scale
(with tenth-grams-Display 00.0) ready and zero it with the empty vessel.
Open the door with key
Press “Operator menu button” in customer interface will go to operator menu
Press “machine” button