Operator UI manual
Single Vend
This is the opposite of multi-vend, after each transaction, the payment cycle stops and if
the user inserted cash money, he/she gets (or does not get) a refund of the remaining credit.
This concept refers to the situation that a user is forced to buy (at least) one product from
the machine before the machine is able to change credit. Applying this concept percents the user uses
the machine, in which a coin or/and a card device are present, as valuator (or money transfer device).
Auto Start
If money is enough, the product will automatically sell without press the start button.
Start Regardless Credit
When this option is set, the start button is enable even credit is not enough
after product is selected. This setting is useful for those devices which are not report balance.
Fast Code
In coffee/tea machine, products and combination of ingredients (sugar, milk, strength) are
mapped to short numbers called fast code. Customer can use fast code to select product in a quicker
Adaptive Standby
Machine will learn the selling history and go to standby mode in a smart way.