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3.16. Getting Started Guide - Controlling moving lights
We have added some new fixtures, with a lot of new functions. That means that our preset type bar on the right side
of screen 1 have expanded. It now looks like this:
Try to select fixture 42 using the keys. Notice how the fixture sheet and Fixture symbol view scrolls to allow you to
see the selected fixture. The Layout views don't move.
Pressing the different preset types in the preset bar allows you to see the different ways to control the different
functions of the fixtures.
In an effort to make this as easy as possible MA have made a series of different views that gives you fast access to
some of the most used functionality. You still have access to the raw values, so If you know exactly what value a
specific attribute should be, then it might be better to use the raw faders. How this is all organized is a part of the
fixture profile.
We have already had a little look at this when we where working with colors in chapter 12. Here you were
introduced to The Picker, The Faders, The Swatchbook and The Raw values.
All the different Preset Types have the Raw values control on the right most tabs. In Raw you might experience that
there are more than 4 channels. But they are organized in groups of maximum four, to make it easy to use the
encoders to control the channels. They are often organized in smaller groups to separate different functions.
This doesn't only look one way. They adapt depending on the fixtures in your show. The structure is similar for most
of the different preset types.
In the following I'll take some time to explain the most common controls based on the fixtures we have in our