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8.26. FullHighlight Command
This page describes the syntax and how to use the
FullHighlight command.
If you type the FullHighlight command in the console, by press and hold
the command will be directly executed.
You can also use the command line along with the virtual keyboard and type the word FullHighlight in.
To go to the FullHighlight command, press and hold
(=FullHighlight) at the console.
The command will be directly executed.
With the FullHighlight command, you have all highlight values in the programmer and as actual output.
The highlight values are defined from the fixture type library.
To have all highlight values from the selected fixtures in the programmer.
Let´s assume, you have selected fixture 1-4 and you will set them to FullHighlight.
The FullHighlight command will be directly executed.
All highlight values are active in the programmer and you have them as actual output.
Figure 1: Fixtures with highlight values
8.27. Go Command