M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. 4402 N. Selland Ave. Fresno, CA 93722
Tel: (559) 432-8873 Fax: (559) 432-3059 Web: www.m2inc.com
©2015 M2 Antenna Systems Incorporated
Model ......................................... 406-6SX
Frequency Range ....................... 401 To 412 MHz
Gain .......................................... 11 dBi
Front to back .............................. 19 dB Typical
Beamwidth ............................... E=55° H=65°
Feed type ................................... Gamma Match
Feed Impedance. ....................... 50 Ohms Unbalanced
Maximum VSWR ........................ 1.5:1
Input Connector .......................... SO-239
Power Handling .......................... 500 Watts
Boom Length / Dia ...................... 36’ / 1”
Maximum Element Length .......... 14-1/2”
Turning Radius: .......................... 34-1/8”
Stacking Distance ....................... 27” High & 30” Wide
Mast Size .................................... 1-1/2” to 2” Nom.
Wind area / Survival ................... 0.3 Sq. Ft. / 75 MPH
Weight / Ship Wt. ........................ 3 Lbs. / 4 Lbs.
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
Model No: 406-6SX
a low cost, medium performance antenna and a great choice for a rugged hand held operation
without compromising quality. A comfortable rear mount handle and all stainless hardware, give you the confidence of
quality construction you have come to expect from
. Built with size and portability in mind, this antenna is great for
hand held tracking applications. The antenna breaks down to no more than 36” long, making it a natural for portable oper-
*Subtract 2.14 from dBi for dBd