M-S Cash Drawer EP-125KPC Instructions Download Page 1

M-S Cash Drawer Corporation 

KPC type interface instructions 


The M-S Cash Drawer KPC trigger board enables the cash drawer to be controlled 
directly by the computer's parallel port. Each cash drawer is supplied with a necessary 

Dead-End cable or 'Y' interface cable.  Several drawers may be "Daisy Chained" for 

multiple drawer operation.  



1.  Connect the DB25 MALE connector of the 'Y'-cable into the computer's 

parallel port. 

2.  Connect a standard parallel printer cable into the DB25 FEMALE connector of 

the 'Y' cable. 

3.  Connect the 12VDC negative tip AC adapter (supplied) to the receptacle at 

the rear of the cash drawer. 

4.  Plug the 12VDC power supply into 115VAC outlet.  

5.  Set the 10 DIP switches on the cash drawer for the desired opening character 

and mode: (The factory setting is for BEL code/single character).  


Dipswitches 1-8

 are set to the binary representation of the ASCII open code.  

Dipswitch 9

 is unused.  

Dipswitch 10

 is set OFF to cause drawer to open each time open code is sent.  Setting 

switch 10 ON sets the drawer to double character mode where two opening characters 

must be sent (without any other intervening characters) to open the drawer.  

Common opening codes are: 

NUL - Switches 1-8 OFF  

BEL - Switches 1-3 ON Switches 4-8 OFF  

See the ASCII chart for other character settings.  



Make sure the cash drawer center lock is unlocked. Make sure the printer is on and 

ready to print. Send characters to the printer containing the open code.  

Example - For a drawer using BEL (ASCII 7, ^G) as the open code on a DOS computer, 

at the DOS prompt type:  

