Lynxspring Wireless Thermostat Driver Guide
Wireless Thermostat Driver Guide
Used With VWG-APP-1020 Wireless Card
For Lynxspring® JENE PC-1000
& 6000
Series Product
(Issue Date: August 5, 2009 / ITG-VWG-AP-1020-LNX-E03)
Product Overview
The VWG-APP-1020 wireless communication card and related “WirelessStat” driver jar file have been specifically
designed to be used by Niagara AX
powered JENE controllers.
When utilized in conjunction with the VT7xxxXxxxxW series wireless thermostats they offer the integrator simple
integration to the Niagara AX
The application is targeted at retrofit applications where the addition of communicating field bus wiring within the
building space is prohibitive. The JENE communication card and associated Wireless Communicating
Thermostats encourage the use of existing wiring utilized by existing electronic thermostat type controls.
Additional documentation is available on