LX Era
Device setup
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Airspace files, in the .cub file format, can be found on both the LX navigation page, as well
as supplied by competition directors, club managers, club mates and other readily available
database sources.
LX navigation database part of webpage
In order to use a certain airspace file, first you need to copy it to the Era’s internal memory,
through the
sub-menu, and then select it as active through the
sub-menu. Multiple
airspace files can be selected at once.
The Era requires airspace files in the .cub file format.
Load task
Task files are stored into the .cup file usually, and consequently the same rules apply as for the
turnpoint files.
Once opened, the Load task sub-menu will show all .cup files with internal tasks. You can
select the desired turnpoint file and a selection of tasks saved to this file will be found.
Choosing the task will set the selected task as the current active task.
The Era is capable of sending task declarations to external devices (the MOP,
Flarm, etc.). This happens when one of the following conditions is met:
• The Era receives a task from an external device through the User port
• The Era receives a task from an external device through Bluetooth
• The Era receives a task from a .cup file through the Load task menu
• Whenever we exit the task edit page in the
The Era requires task files in the .cup file format.
Flarm NET
The Era allows the utilization of
. If a database is used, and a Flarm
object with a Flarm ID found in the database shows up, the Era will automatically use the info
from the FlarmNET database and assign it to the said object.
Device manual