LX Era
Device setup
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The Transfer sub-menu setup page holds all microSD transfer related options. In this setup
page, we will see how to transfer database files, load tasks and FlarmNET files.
LX navigation provides database files on an informative level and can in no way
be held accountable implicitly, or otherwise, for and damage, be it material,
personal or other, that may occur due to the use of this device. It is the pilot’s
responsibility to abide to all rules of air safety and to utilize good airmanship
practice. In this sense, the information provided by the Era is of an informative
nature only and should be taken with reserve. No guarantees are made on the
accuracy of information found in databases released by LX navigation.
It is important to note, that some microSD cards of lower quality may cause
issues and not be read by the Era. This is why we strongly recommend you use
the supplied SanDisk Ultra red/grey micro SD card, supplied with the device, as
depicted on the figure below. The microSD card should be formatted to the FAT32
file system. Cards of up to 32 GB of memory were successfully tested on the Era.
Figure 73. Caption
Pilot must be careful to not exceed the file size of 750 kB, except “FlarmNET” file
can be max. 5 MB.
Device manual