LX Era
Device setup
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Document revision:
System settings
The following glider associated settings can be found in this sub-menu:
Polar -
sets the polar by which final glide is calculated. The Era has a large and ever-
growing selection of glider polars. In case your glider polar is not listed, you can create a
user specified polar.
Arispeed -
will open the airspeed sub-menu, where the specific airspeeds can be set.
These airspeeds will be used for warnings, as well as for colouring the speed arcs on
specific primary pages.
– VS1 -
represents the stall speed of the aircraft (beginning of green arc)
– VNO -
represents the maximum normal operating speed (end of green and beginning
of yellow arc)
– VNE -
represents the never exceeded speed (red arc)
Registration nr -
the registration of the glider, is saved to the IGC declaration
Competition ID -
competition ID of the glider, is saved to the IGC declaration
Class -
competition class of the glider, is saved to the IGC declaration
Ballast dump rate -
sets the average dump rate when the ballast dump valve is opened.
This is especially useful for glider which can close the valve again, as the amount of
ballast will have changed. The ballast dump rate require a switch to be connected to the
inputs interface and set up properly. When activated, it will start changing the amount of
set ballast by the rate set in this setting. It should be noted, that the ballast dump rate
is not constant in real-life circumstances, as it depends on a multitude of factors. We
approximate a fix ballast dump rate.
SC switch -
sets the type of switch used for the Speed Command button. On or Off should
be used for a lever switch and toggle for a push-button.
Category -
which category of aircraft does your aircraft belong to. Changing this will
change the aircraft icon, as depicted with the aircraft icons selection below.
Flap positions -
Opens the flap positions setup menu. Adding a new flap position will
record the current flap position (requires the
), for which a pilot can assign
the Name, Min. speed and Max. speed. Once set, these Flap positions will be used for
current and recommended flap position indicators. If the Flap sensor is not connected,
the pilot can still set the Flap airspeeds and positions and use the Flap rec. position
NavBox. If the Flap sensor is connected, another info box appears in the setup page,
with the percentage of Flap sensor extensions shown.
Device manual