6.7 Auto Provision
Automatic provision can deploy the same configuration to multiple phones on a large
6.7.1 Preparing steps
- Prepare the necessary document:
Before performing automatic configuration, you need to perform the following steps:
Get Boot boot file
Obtain CFG configuration file
Get phone related information
Layout update environment
boot files
configuration files
, you can contact your dealer to obtain
template files;
- The checking way of the related information of phones:
: Press the
button to view the phone in standby mode
Phone model
: In standby mode, press
Ok ->More -> Device
, product name is the
product model.
- Boot file description:
When the phone is automatically configured, it will first try to download the
common.boot boot file, and guide the phone based on the boot file to reference the
specified CFG configuration file. The specific sequence is as follows:
- Configuration file description:
Before configuring the phone, you need to obtain the CFG configuration file,
common.cfg is the common configuration file, and mac.cfg is the mac-based
configuration file; you can also create your own configuration files according to your
needs, such as account.cfg for configuration of phone account number, etc. The
configuration supports list as below:
The configuration of the phone:
Account, heartbeat service, DTMF, User Agent, time, STUN, network, Vlan, LLDP,