Lutron Athena System User Guide
Purpose of this document
This document will be updated frequently as new features and capabilities are added to the Athena system.
• Summarize what the Athena app / system can do
• Explain Operations & Maintenance
What is an Athena System
Athena is a flexible, simple, all-in-one solution that combines the world’s most advanced light source with
intelligent shades and connected apps to deliver a holistic light experience.
The most up-to-date information about the system can be found on our website:
For further system architecture and device details see:
Athena is an evolving solution that like other modern software solutions, when Internet connected, receives
frequent updates and improvements adding new features, bug fixes, and security enhancements.
System Setup
Athena systems are commissioned by a Lutron Field Service Engineer (FSE) using Lutron Designer software.
Athena systems are comprised of one or multiple connected processor / gateway devices that communicate
with each other via a system Ethernet lighting control network. Internet access is required for system start-
up and highly recommended for ongoing system usage. The lighting control network can be cloud-enabled
via the included LTE modem module or can be interfaced with an existing building IT network. If the Athena
network does not have internet access, the Athena hub will not receive automatic firmware updates and the
system will not be accessible remotely via the Lutron app.
LTE Modem
Lutron provides out-of-the-box cloud connectivity to Athena systems via an included LTE modem module
for use during system start-up. This allows for a secure and seamless start-up, software updates, remote
service / support, and fast and easy connectivity without any advanced network configuration. For ongoing
internet connectivity, Lutron recommends connecting Athena processors to an internet connection that
supports outbound requests. The LTE modem is currently not available for long term internet access and is
only for start-up use.