P30P-09A 47 User's manual
card and complete with the file start.txt holding the date and hour of the installation of card or file system
internal memory (also after the transducer is started after power failure).
Data on the card are stored in the files within directories corresponding to the name and serial
number of the device – see Fig. 20
File names correspond to the registration date and follow the
format, where
→ year, YY → month. Archive files extension is given in Dzz format,
where „zz” is the following number of the archive file in given month. For example, first archive file in May
2015 will be named 2015_05.D00, the nest file will be named 2015_05.D01 etc. For every month a
maximum of 32 files can be created (*.D00 … *.D31). File is automatically changed to another after it
reaches the size of 12 MB when 1 or 2 values are archived
When more than 2 values are archived, the
upper file size limit is set bu the transducer.
5.8.5 Archive files structure
Archive data files on external SD/SDHC card or in file system internal memory are organized
by columns separated by tab. A column description is located in the first line of the file. Data records are
located in the subsequent lines and the record fields are separated by tab. An example of the file is
shown in Fig. 20
Fig. 20 Example archive data file
ields in the record line have the following meanings:
date –
date of data recording, separated by dash (-)
– hour, minute, second of recorded data, separated by colon (:) .
U, I, P, Q, S ... – archived values displayed by the transducer, separated by period (.) what can
be changed. to comma (,) by selecting appropriate option in Serwis menu or entering value “1”
into register 4070; archived values are written in the engineering format
5.9. RS-485 interface
Programmable digital P30P transducers are equipped with serial RS-485 link for
communication with computer systems and other Master devices. Asynchronous character MODBUS
communication protocol has been implemented in a serial link. The transmission protocol describes how