P30P-09A 44 User's manual
internal FTP server (optional) or RS-485 interface. Archived data acquisition is done by downloading
memory pages containing data records. Downloading separate pages is possible thanks to eCon
Transducers equipped with SD/SDHC card slot allow for automatic rewriting of archived data
to the memory card (the fastest way of archived data acquisition). To download the data using the card,
insert the SD/SDHC card into the slot (contacts side down), making sure that the card was successfully
mounted (a following card icon is displayed in the upper left corner of the display:
). It is necessary to
set the percentage fill threshold, because after this value is reached, the data will be automatically saved
to card of file system internal memory – register 7614 or from menu:
. For
example, if the value '20.0' is entered into the register 7614, data will be stored in the internal device
memory until it is filled in 20%, when the device starts to write all subsequently saved data to SD/SDHC
card or to file system internal memory. If the maximum percentage fill value is higher (e.g. 95%), data will
be written to SD/SDHC card less often, but the saving process will be longer. Saving data to the card is
marked by the progress bar on the lower LCD line. Do not remove SD/SDHC card from the device until
the saving is completed, as this may cause data corruption or reset the device. Saving can be
interrupted and the card removed after the card is unmounted, (see section 5.3.2).
It is also possible to force the rewriting of the archive to SD/SDHC card or to file system
internal memory (only versions with Ethernet interface) after pressing the following key sequence:
. For the transducer with the Ethernet interface, archived data can be loaded from the
file system memory via FTP with any FTP client.
If the transducer is connected to FTP client, the ability to write archived data from internal memory
to the file system internal memory is not available! To download current data from the archive, you have
to disconnect from the FTP session, force the archive rewriting (e.g. via following the combination of
and connect the transducer to FTP client again.
5.8.3 Archiving configuration
Archiving parameters can be configured via the registers 4064 – 4069 (Tab. 39) and
transducer menu in the Ustawien → Archiwum group. Archiving can be continuous or conditional.
Conditional archiving can be realized in one of four conditions presented on Fig. 18 (n-on, n-off, off, on).
Continuous archiving can be enabled by selecting the 'h-on' option and disabled by selecting 'h-off'.