Operating Manual V 3.3 / 9 Dec 2019
10 Commissioning
10.1 Adaption of the sensor
In order to prepare the sensor correctly for the conditions of the surface to be measured (road or
tarmac), the unit has to go through an adaptation procedure prior to commissioning.
To this end, the MARWIS-UMB has to be installed on the measuring vehicle in the planned posi-
tion. The adaption must take place on a dry piece of road and ist carried out on a stationary
vehicle, i.e. not while moving. The adaption of the STARWIS-UMB should take place at its final
installation site.
The road cover which is selected for the adaption should be representative for the area in which
the MARWIS-UMB / STARWIS-UMB is going to be used.
The ambient temperature should be lower than 30°C (86 °F). The adaption must not be carried
out in artificial light.
The measurement may contain errors, if the adaption has not been carried out correctly.
The profile of the adaption can be saved in the MARWIS-UMB / STARWIS-UMB. Up to 5
different profiles can be stored.
During the adaption, basic settings are configured which depend on the structure of the ground,
the measuring angle and the exact measuring distance between the MARWIS-UMB / STARWIS-
UMB and the road. Therefore, when saving different profiles it makes sense to give them names
which allow conclusions on these conditions. E.g. mentioning the vehicle in the profile name can
allow conclusions about the installation height during the adaption.
10.1.1 Possible reasons why an adaption may fail
The ambient temperature exceeds 30 °C (86 °F). In this case the LEDs may become to
warm for carrying out a successful adaption.
The MARWIS-UMB had not been switched on long enough before the adaption was
started. About 5 minutes of warm-up time is necessary.
The ground is not suitable for the adaption (too bright, too dark....)
10.2 Selecting the settings for the road condition model
The settings for the road condition model determine if the interpretation of the current conditions
is supposed to be subject to a rather optimistic, pessimistic or neutral point of view. Depending
on these settings the values which are selected for the next measurement retrieval will be either
the maximum, minimum or average values that have been measured.
Selecting the lowest measured road temperature in combination with the highest values of water
film and ice percentage on a trip in winter e.g. would correspond to a rather pessimistic point of
view which aims at showing the highest possible risk on a road section.
The values which are selected in the settings for the retrieval of the individual values, are also
the ones which are used for calculating road condition and friction.
Chapter 10, Commissioning