Operating Manual CHM 8k
R1.7 / 01-2020
Communication via RS485 & Ethernet
If the NtpMode is activated during operation and the time difference between server and CHM 8k is
greater than 1000 s, no time synchronization is performed. In this case, a firmware restart or one-time
manual time setting with reactivation of the NtpMode is necessary to take over the time of the time server.
Status information can be queried in the web interface in the "Process Status" tab.
Please note:
The user should avoid automatic time settings via the date-time command (RS485) with
simultaneous execution of ntpd over TCP / IP.
8.8 AFD mode
A specific communication mode called automatic file distribution (AFD) mode is supported by the CHM
ceilometer series. AFD is used by the CHMs to automatically send data measured in NetCDF format to
an ftp server. The operation requires an active Ethernet connection.
The AFD mode can be activated via the web interface (Figure 19) in superuser mode. The configuration
file “afdsettings” must be downloaded, configured, and uploaded again to accommodate local
AFD is preset to transfer three 5-minute NetCDF files every 15 minutes. The user can merge the NetCDF
files into 24-hour files.
The configuration file “afdsettings.txt” is shown below. The official file name is: “DIR_CONFIG”. Further
information on the commands listed here can be found on the
. Hashes (#) are used
to comment out commands.
Configuration file “afdsettings.txt”
[dir options]
delete unknown files 0
delete queued files 6
priority 9
create target dir
time */15 * * * *
lock DOT
age-limit 3600
# exec -d bzip2 %s
When editing the configuration file:
The full format (blank lines and indentation depth) of the afdsettings file is important.
If the sample file is downloaded from the ceilometer, carefully replace each item step
by step. "#" Is used to leave a comment instead of a statement.
Example for a “afdsetting.txt” file:
Ftp server
Subdirectory from root on server: /home/chm_data
User name: afd
Password: eXample