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5.13.1 Device Settings
UMB or UMB+OPUS200. If Opus200 devices are connected in
addition to the UMB devices, the Opus200 devices are connected to the serial
port used for TLS Inselbus/Lokalbus, so these protocols may not be used
when Opus200 devices are attached.
Poll interval
: Interval at which the measurement data is requested from the
UMB devices (fix 1 minute).
: number of retries for the device communication.
: Timeout for the UMB communication.
Max Class-ID:
maximum UMB class ID that is polled when reading the UMB
sensor network configuration
Reset BB after errors
: If no measurement can be obtained for the entire
configured (active) sensor after xx attempts, the baseboard is reset
– together
with the UMB devices.
Timeout/Timeout (long):
Timeouts for the Opus200 communication.
UMB PowerSaver active:
if this option is selected, the power supply for the
UMB sensor network can be automatically switched off (via GUB_1) if the
battery power is below a configured threshold.