Configuring an ADSL 48-Port Annex C Line Interface Module (LIM)
Configuring ADSL Annex C interfaces
Stinger® ADSL 48-Port Annex C LIM Guide
Power spectral density (PSD) is the power of a signal per unit of frequency. The dimensions
are those of a power divided by Hertz. In the Line-Config subprofile, the
parameter specifies the PSD allowed on the line at the
transmitter output, expressed in dBm/Hz. It is defined for the downstream direction only, with
a valid range of -34 through -52 in even-number increments. If you lower the value from its
default value of -40, the line consumes less power but also has a lower capacity. Increasing the
value can boost the PSD to achieve a higher capacity.
Following are the Line-Config subprofile parameters, shown with default values, for
configuring power:
[in AL-DMT/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:line-config]
max-aggr-power-level-up = 13
max-aggr-power-level-down = 20
max-power-spectral-density = 40
Fast and interleaved bit-rate parameters
Bit-rate parameters specify minimum, maximum, and planned upstream and downstream bit
rates for a rate-adaptive connection. Bit rates depend on the physical interface (the line to
which the central office equipment (COE) and customer premises equipment (CPE) are
connected) and the ADSL interleaved or fast channel.
settings in the Line-Config
subprofile (
) determine which channel is used in each direction. Fast
line latency is not available when the G.lite line code is used. For more information, see
“Overview of AL-DMT profile” on page 1-4.
The Fast-Path-Config subprofile
The following configuration shows the default settings for the Fast-Path-Config subprofile.
The bit-rate parameter settings indicate use of the fast channel for both upstream and
downstream traffic. The upstream and downstream traffic can use different channels if desired.
[in AL-DMT/{ any-shelf any-slot 0 }:fast-path-config]
min-bitrate-up = 128
min-bitrate-down = 128
max-bitrate-up = 1000
max-bitrate-down = 8000
planned-bitrate-up = 512
planned-bitrate-down = 1000
Maximum aggregate power level on the upstream channel. Valid
range is from 0dBm through 13dBm.
Maximum aggregate power level on the downstream channel. Its
valid range is from 0dBm through 20dBm.
Maximum PSD in both directions. Its valid range is from 34
through 52 in even-number increments. If you specify an odd
number, the system uses the even-number setting below that
number. The actual value used is the negative value of the number
that is specified.