Initial Programming Checklist
Issue 1 August 1998
Initial Programming Checklist
You must perform the following for every installation:
VMS Hunt Group Extensions (#505)
You must program this feature first before programming any other feature.
Assign the PARTNER Voice Messaging PC Card’s extensions 78 and 79 to
PARTNER ACS or PARTNER Endeavor Hunt Group 7 (#505). This Hunt
Group is used for voice mail systems.
Transfer Return Extension (#306)
For each of the voice messaging extensions (that is, 78 and 79) assign an
extension as the destination extension for Transfer Return calls. If a voice
mail system extension transfers a call to an extension that has no Voice
Mail coverage and the call is not answered, the communications system
transfers the call to the Transfer Return Extension. The factory setting for
Transfer Return is extensions 78 and 79, respectively (the voice
messaging system). If you want calls returned to the receptionist’s
extension, assign that extension as the Transfer Return Extension.
You may also need to program the following:
Automated Attendant Service
— Group Call Distribution (#206 - Option 1)
— VMS Hunt Delay (#506)
— Automatic Extension Privacy (#304)
— VMS Hunt Schedule (#507)
— Music On Hold (#602)
Call Answer Service
— Line Coverage Extension (#208)
— Automatic VMS Cover (#310)
— VMS Cover Rings (#117) (#321 on PARTNER ACS Release 3.0
or later)
Telephone Button Programming - Manual VMS Cover (F15), Do Not
Disturb (F01), Voice Mailbox Transfer (F14), Voice Mail Auto Dial