Chapter 1 Getting Started
Document Conventions
PSAX 4-Port Voice 2-Wire Office Module User Guide
, Issue 1
Release 9.0.0
Identifies additional information pertinent to the text preceding
this note.
Use of Command Description Tables
All illustrations for configuration windows in this guide for the PSAX system
console interface are followed by a command description table describing the
command functions displayed on the window (near the bottom of the win-
dow). You should read all the information in the command description table,
especially when first using a window, because these descriptions may have
special instructions or configuration constraints provided in the Function col-
umn by use of the
text convention (see Table 1-2).
Use of Field Description Tables
For all illustrations for configuration windows in this guide for both the
PSAX system console interface and the AQueView EMS, the field description
tables normally follow the command description tables. Field description
tables define the editable and the display-only fields, their functions, valid
values, and constraints, if applicable. As in the command description tables,
text convention is also used, where appropriate, in the field descrip-
tion tables to alert the user to special instructions or configuration constraints
(see Figure 1-1).
Table 1-2. Command Description Table Example
Bring All Interfaces
Into Service
Brings the out-of-service configured interfaces to in-service status.
In GR-303 configuration, it is critical to bring into service
only those channels actively configured with DS1 ports.