New Features and Enhancements
Release 7.0 Enhancements (April 1999)
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
System Programming
Issue 1
April 1999
New Features and Enhancements
Release 7.0 Enhancements
(April 1999)
Release 7.0 includes all Release 6.1 functionality, plus the enhancements listed
below. For a description of features and enhancements in prior releases, see
“Prior Releases: Features and Enhancements” in
System Programming
MLS and Enhanced Tip/Ring (ETR) Telephone
One of the most important new capabilities of MERLIN LEGEND Release 7.0 is its
support for MLS and ETR telephones, allowing existing customers with either
telephones the ability to migrate to a MERLIN LEGEND Communications System.
The MLS telephones include the MLS-6
, MLS-12
, MLS-12D
, MLS-18D
, and
. The ETR telephones include the ETR-6, ETR-18, ETR-18D, and
ETR-34D. The Business Cordless 905 telephone and the TransTalk™ 9000
Digital Wireless System are also supported.
The MLS, ETR, and Business Cordless 905 telephones, as well as the TransTalk
9000 Digital Wireless System, require ETR station ports. To provide support for
these telephones and for the TransTalk 9000 system, two new modules have
been designed:
412 LS-ID-ETR Module. The 412 LS-ID-ETR module provides 4 LS trunks
with Caller ID and 2 touch tone receivers (TTRs) plus 12 ETR station ports,
including 4 with Tip/Ring (T/R) functionality. On the 412 LS-ID-ETR
module, the first 8 ports are ETR ports only—these ports do not have T/R
functionality. The remaining 4 ports (ports 9 through 12) can be