Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 100A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503A-1
Issue 6 October 1998
Testing 6 - 11
2. Adjust the Output Volts Adj potentiometer to between
52.02 and 52.13 (or 26.01 and 26.06) volts read on the
Output meter, or to float voltage as determined by “Adjust
Rectifiers to Float Voltage” later in this section.
3. Turn the Power switch Off.
4. Reduce the load to zero.
5. Turn off the ac power at the ac service panel.
6. Disconnect and remove the Battery Plant Simulator Test
Set, the DMM (Digital Multimeter), and the test load.
7. If the reason for performing the rectifier tests was to affirm
the operation of the rectifier, and was not part of total plant
testing, restore the rectifier to service by following the
procedures described under “Restore Rectifier to Service”
in Section 7, Troubleshooting and Adjustments. If this is
part of total plant testing, leave the plant control cable
disconnected at this time, until directed to reconnect it as
part of another plant procedure.
Rectifier On
The following steps bring the rectifier into service in preparation
for testing on line. The term “on line” means a battery string
and/or office load is connected to the rectifier.
Perform all the preliminary checks on the plant before testing the
rectifiers. The same precautions for personal safety and
equipment protection should be taken as when testing off line
(see “Precautions” at the beginning of this section).
1. Verify the ac supply and rectifier controls are as shown in
Table 6-C.