Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 100A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503A-1
Issue 6 October 1998
Installation 5 - 5
Common mechanic's hand tools, including flat blade
screwdriver (0.30 inch blade width), socket and torque
wrench for 3/8 inch bolts, channel lock pliers for ac conduit
tightening, hammer, and crowbar for uncrating
Size 3/8-16 lifting eyebolts
Digital Multimeter (DMM) Fluke® 8060A or equivalent
with ±0.02 percent accuracy on dc scale
Move the crated rectifier to a convenient area for uncrating and
follow the steps listed below.
1. Remove any shipping bands.
2. Check “tilt” or “shock” indicators. If tripped, contact
shipping company and process claims form.
3. Pry off top, then sides of crate.
4. Inspect exposed exterior of rectifier for shipping damage.
5. With rectifier lying on its back, open the front door and
visually inspect for shipping damage.
6. If material is damaged, contact shipping company and
process claims form.
7. Verify that the main ac voltage at the distribution panel
agrees with the List options specified on the label inside
the front door of the rectifier. If it does not agree, two
possible conditions on the rectifier may be corrected by the
Incorrect ac input voltage (see Table 3-A)
Incorrect system polarity (circuit breaker in the wrong
dc output bus). Positive ground systems have the
breaker in the negative output bus, and negative ground
systems have the breaker in the positive output bus.
The customer may decide to correct either type of
condition instead of returning the rectifier. The
procedure for rewiring the ac input connections to
match the customer's ac supply (208 or 240 volts) is