Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 400A, 60Hz Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503C-3
2 - 10 Product Description
Issue 10 July 2000
The Float/Equalize, FLT/EQ, switch allows the user to select either the
float or equalize operating mode. This switch is disabled when the
rectifier is shipped from the factory and must be enabled via S2.1 of the
330C interface board in order to provide the local equalize feature. The
yellow equalize LED lights when the rectifier is in the equalize mode.
Equal Adj
The Equal Adj potentiometer provides for manual adjustment of the
output equalize voltage.
Circuit Breaker
The circuit breaker protects the plant from rectifier malfunction and
excessive current, and may be used to disconnect the rectifier from the
battery. When the circuit breaker trips (midway between On and Off)
because of excessive current, an alarm is transmitted to the plant
controller. When the circuit breaker is manually turned off, no alarm is
Output Fuse Alarm
The fast acting output fuse protects the plant from excessive current due
to rectifier malfunction. When the fuse opens, a plunger pops up and
mechanically closes an isolated switch, transmitting an alarm to the