Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 400A, 60Hz Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503C-3
7 - 12 Troubleshooting and Adjustments
Issue 10 July 2000
This section includes procedures to check fuses (Clear RFA and FA),
calibrate the meter, adjust the current limit, and set the internal selective
high voltage shutdown (ISHVSD) for rectifiers without controllers. It
may be necessary to remove the rectifier from service before completing
these procedures.
Clear Rectifier
Failure Alarm
A fuse alarm (FA) may be present with the RFA alarm.
1. Observe and record the status of the fuses in the plant controller. If
the controller has an efficiency algorithm, disable this feature.
2. Turn the rectifier Power switch Off.
3. If any of the following fuses are blown, remove the rectifier from
service and replace fuse(s) with one of the same type and capacity.
• Alarm fuses F1, F2, F3 on CM1
• Output filter capacitor fuses F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6
4. Restore the rectifier to service.
5. If the rectifier started, minor alarm retired on controller, and the
rectifier RFA light extinguished, then the RFA problem has been
cleared. Otherwise, continue with the following procedures.
The rectifier voltage may be too high.
1. Observe and record the rectifier output voltage, Rect V, and plant
float voltage, Plt V. The rectifier voltage is normally greater than
the plant voltage by an amount equal to the lead drop between
rectifier and batteries, less than 2 volts. Adjusting the plant voltage
makes a corresponding adjustment in the rectifier voltage.
2. If the rectifier output voltage is greater than the plant float
voltage by more than the expected lead drop, then use the
following procedures:
a. Holding the meter selector switch in the Plt V position, turn the
Float Adj potentiometer counterclockwise to lower the output
voltage to the correct value.
b. If the rectifier Float Adj potentiometer can be used to adjust the
voltage to the correct level, the RFA problem has been cleared.
Otherwise, continue with the following procedures.