Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS-6U Controller J85501E-1
Issue 4 August 1998
Product Description 2 - 11
condition. If the controller is equipped with CP2, the alarm can
also be issued remotely. If it is equipped with CP3, the controller
can be programmed to provide a hardware RFA alarm.
If a failed rectifier is successfully restarted, either manually or
automatically, or if it disconnected from the controller interface,
the RFA LED will extinguish and the associated alarms will
AC Fail Alarm
The AC Fail Alarm is intended to indicate that ac input power to
at least one rectifier has failed or dropped below a minimum
voltage. This alarm is provided as an isolated transfer contact for
the office alarm systems. An ACF alarm also lights a yellow
LED on the front panel of the controller.
ACF does not automatically result in a Power Major or Power
Minor alarm because users or installers may classify the loss of
ac power as either a Major, Minor, or no alarm condition. The
user or installer may hard wire parallel the ACF alarm to the
desired Power Alarm to give loss of ac the proper priority. See
Section 4, “Wiring” for alarm wiring details.
Major and Minor
Fuse Alarms
The controller monitors all fuse and circuit breaker protection
devices in the plant. Each blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker
is classified as either a Major or Minor alarm. Major fuses or
circuit breakers protect service-affecting circuits, basic
controller circuits, and alarm circuits that report Major alarms.
Loss of any other circuit protectors are treated as Minor Fuse
Alarms. Examples of Major “fuses” include load circuit breakers
and the Alarm Battery Supply (ABS) fuse. Rectifier regulation
fuses are Minor “fuses.”
A red MJF LED on the controller front panel will light in the
event of a Major Fuse Alarm. Similarly, a yellow MNF LED
lights following a Minor Fuse Alarm. Fuse alarms cause the
associated Power Major and Power Minor alarms to be issued to
the office alarm system. In addition, separate Major Fuse Alarm
and Minor Fuse Alarm transfer contacts are provided to the
office alarm system. Refer to Table 4-I for a list of contacts.
Open Battery
String Detection
and Alarm
In a plant equipped with battery string disconnects, the
disconnect switch on each battery string may be wired to the
controller to indicate when they are open. The open string signal