Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-416
Issue 2 August 1996
Maintenance 5 - 5
3. A circuit breaker may fail such that it cannot be reset.
Replace a failed distribution breaker per procedure “Load
Circuit Breaker Replacement” below.
Red “LVD
The Red “LVD OPEN” LED indicates that the LVD Contactor
is de-energized, i.e., open. The contactor may be open due to one
of four reasons:
1. Plant voltage is below the disconnect threshold.
2. The contactor has failed and must be replaced. See
procedure “LVD/R Contactor Replacement” below.
3. There is an open circuit in the wiring that powers the
contactor. Check the cable assembly from CP5 to the
4. Both redundant LVD sensing circuits have failed. The CP5
circuit pack must be replaced per procedure “LVD/Fuse
Board (CP5) Replacement” below.
Yellow “LVD
The Yellow “LVD FAIL” LED indicates that one or both of the
LVD circuits has attempted to open the contactor, but the
contactor is closed. This may occur in two situations:
1. The plant voltage is right at the disconnect level and is
within tolerances of the redundant detector circuits, but
only one detector has operated. No action is required.
2. The LVD circuit has partially failed. Replace the CP5
circuit pack per procedure “LVD/Fuse Board (CP5)
Replacement” below.
Blown Fuse on
Refer to ECS controller manual for troubleshooting procedures.
Repair and
Replace with fuse of same rating only.
Procedures in this section may cause power alarms to be
issued temporarily. Notify the alarm reporting center before
starting any repair procedure.