Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-416
1 - 2 Introduction
Issue 2 August 1996
is achieved by adding Lineage
2000 50-ampere, -48-volt
rectifiers to rectifier shelf assemblies. Growth in distribution is
achieved by adding plug-in type circuit breakers (10 through 60
amperes) to distribution panels. Adding functionality to the
basic controller is achieved through two optional circuit packs,
one to add microprocessor-based features and the second to add
a datalogger.
The ECS battery plant is compatible with all flooded and valve
regulated batteries which float within the range of 48 through
58.5 volts. In addition, the ECS plant is capable of operating in
a batteryless mode, making it suitable for those applications
where battery backup is not necessary or is achieved through the
use of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
Technical support for Lucent Technologies equipment is
available to customers around the world.
USA, Canada,
Puerto Rico, and
the US Virgin
On a post-sale basis, during the Product Warranty period, our
Technical Support telephone number 1-800-CAL RTAC (1-800-
225-7822) provides coverage during normal business hours.
Product Specialists are available to answer your technical
questions and assist in troubleshooting problems. For out-of-
hours EMERGENCIES, the 800 number will put you in touch
with a Regional Technical Assistance Center Engineer via our
24 hour a day, 7 day per week Help Desk.
When Technical Support is required in the Post-Warranty
Period, the service may be billable unless you hold an extended
warranty or contractual agreement.
The Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-416 is to be
installed only in restricted access areas (dedicated equipment
rooms, equipment closets or the like) in accordance with
Articles 110-16, 110-17 and 110-18 of the National Electrical
Code or in accordance with the appropriate requirements of
the Electrical Code of the country in which the equipment is