Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-416
4 - 6 Installation
Issue 2 August 1996
Step B: Battery Stand Assembly
Assemble battery stands or shelves per the Lucent Technologies
battery manual or other battery manufacturer's documentation.
Install the batteries onto their stands.
Step C: Initial Charge
Batteries may undergo initial charging at this time, according to
the manufacturer's recommendations. One of the rectifiers may
be used for initial charging. Refer to the procedure given in the
Rectifier manual.
Step D: Cable Support and Ground System
Hang all cable support systems, as well as any auxiliary ground
bus bars, as dictated by the job application drawings.
Step E: Controller and LVD Set-up
Follow the controller set-up procedure given in the Controller
manual to complete the steps below.
1. Enable/disable equalize charge set-up
2. Enable/disable rectifier restart set-up
3. Set HV shutdown level(s)
4. Set BD alarm level
5. Run office alarm wiring
6. Run other controller wiring
7. Set up other optional circuit packs
Load Turn Up
Load Equipment Instructions
Converter Shelf
Assembly Installation
and Test
Converter Plant Manual
* See Section 3 for Documentation References
Do not connect batteries to the system at this time.
Table 4-C: Installation Reference Documents
Reference Document*
Unpacking, Handling
and Frame Installation
H569-416 Drawing and
Installation Template