Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-416
4 - 2 Installation
Issue 2 August 1996
Tools And Test
The following tools and test equipment are required for battery
plant installation and testing.
a. Equipment to handle shipping containers, remove
framework from shipping containers, and erect
framework into final position. Minimum lifting
capacity: 450 lbs.
b. Common electrician's hand tools.
c. Proper crimping tools and dies for connectors used.
d. Common mechanic's hand tools
e. 3/4-inch drill to bore holes for floor anchors.
DMM (Digital Multimeter) with at least 0.05%
accuracy on the dc scale.
g. DC Dummy Load Bank rated for 75 amperes minimum
at 60 volts dc.
h. For LVD/R option only: Power Supply, variable from
zero to 60 volts dc at 2 amperes. Supply should have
both coarse and fine output controls.
For LVD/R option only: Six clip leads each capable of
carrying 3 amperes.
1. The plant may be wired with ac from the left side or the
right side. Typical routing of ac, dc and control cabling is
shown on the plant assembly drawing, H569-416.
Connection points and wire types are indicated on the plant
wiring diagram, T-83171-31.
2. When running dc cable, care should be taken to ensure that
all non-protected leads are run in a separate cable rack
from protected leads. (Protected, in this sense, refers to
overcurrent protection by a fuse or circuit-breaker.)
Battery leads are usually the only unprotected leads. When
Lucent Technologies VR Batteries are used, the battery
leads may be protected. Refer to the Battery Manual for
more detail on this option.