Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-416
Issue 2 August 1996
Engineering, Planning & Ordering 3 - 29
A J-, ED- or H-coded piece of equipment is controlled by a
standard drawing of the same number. This drawing contains the
descriptions of the optional configurations, manufacturing
assembly information and any additional details for engineering
or field installation.
An equipment option is identified by a number or letter called a
LIST or a GROUP. J-coded equipment uses Lists, while ED- and
H-coded products are equipped with Groups. For simplicity, the
discussion that follows deals specifically with J-coded
equipment. ED- and H-coded equipment, however, may be
treated similarly.
The standard drawings for Lucent Technologies battery plants
and their components are J-, T- and SD-drawings. Together
these drawings provide the necessary details for engineering,
planning, ordering, record-keeping, installation and repair. A
thorough understanding of the construction and content of the
standard drawings is, therefore, required for proper, error-free
engineering and ordering of the battery plant. The drawings
associated with this battery plant should be reviewed completely
before preparing an order.
The generic features of J-, T- and SD-drawings are described in
the following paragraphs.
A J-drawing consists of the following parts:
Cover Sheet(s), containing ordering, engineering and issue
information, as well as notes for manufacturing and
Assembly Views, showing details of shop and field
assembly, and
Stocklist, listing the quantity and complete ordering code
for each component part used in the assembly.
The cover sheets of a J-drawing contain a wide variety of
important engineering and ordering information. The important
parts of the cover sheet are described below. Item numbers,
below, refer to those on the typical one page cover sheet
displayed in Figure 3-2.