Lucent Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-408
Issue 2 July 1996
Installation 3 - 1
Lucent offers complete engineering and installation service that
result in “turn-key” plant operation. Contact your Lucent Energy
Systems Account Executive for further information on the
complete range of installation services available from Lucent.
Customers may, however, choose to make their own
arrangements to fully or partially install the battery plant based
on the information supplied here.
This section outlines an efficient sequence of battery plant
installation steps that minimizes the installer's exposure to live
circuits. A suggested test sequence is also provided to check the
integrity of the installation effort. Upgrades, retrofits and
replacement of equipment in the controller, rectifier and battery
subsystems are covered in their respective manuals.
The framework, rectifier, controller and dc distribution
subsystems, described in Section 2, are factory tested as a
system. The controller and distribution subsystems are shipped
assembled to the framework, ready for use. To improve shipping
and handling, the rectifiers are packaged separately and must be
plugged into their shelf assemblies during the plant installation
process. The battery subsystem must also be assembled by the
installer. The battery plant installation sequence that follows
refers to the Rectifier, Controller and Battery manuals for details
for those subsystems. Read this section and the referenced
sections in other subsystem manuals completely before starting
any work.