Custom CentreVu
Advocate Solutions
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Getting the Most from Your Call Center
Controlling Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
Lowering ASA for
selected customers
Percent Allocation
Allocate more of your agents’ time to
important skills so that they will take
more calls from those skills than from
less important skills.
Predicted Wait Time
If you have important but small skills
with just a few agents, use Predicted
Wait Time to balance wait times
between these specialized skills and
your larger skills. Predicted Wait
Time will lower ASA for the smaller
Service Level Supervisor
By automatically adding agents to
your most important skills during
periods of peak load, Service Level
Supervisor (SLS) will reduce
Expected Wait Time and Average
Speed of Answer for these skills.
Service Objective
Service Objective allows you to
preferentially select calls for your
most important skills first—even if
those skills don’t have the oldest
calls. Set a lower Acceptable Service
Level (ASL) for crucial skills and
enable Service Objective for the
agents in that skill.
will select calls from the skills that are
closest to exceeding their ASL.
Least Occupied Agent (LOA)
distributes the work load more
equally to agents across all skills,
thus giving all callers better levels of
Equalizing ASA
across skills
Predicted Wait Time
If you have important but small skills
with just a few agents, use Predicted
Wait Time to balance average speed
of answer between these specialized
skills and your larger skills. Predicted
Wait Time will lower ASA for the
smaller skills.
Least Occupied Agent (LOA)
distributes the work load more
equally to agents across all skills,
thus giving all callers better levels of
If your goal is:
Consider the following:
Call Selection methods
Agent Selection methods