Custom CentreVu
Advocate Solutions
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Getting the Most from Your Call Center
Getting the Most from Your Call Center
For Best
For optimal effectiveness and fairness in most situations, Lucent
recommends that you use the following features and settings.
These are general recommendations. Every call center is unique, so if
you implement these recommendations, track system performance
closely for the first two weeks to ensure our recommendations work in
specific system.
Least Occupied
Agent vs. Most Idle
Lucent recommends that you use the Least Occupied Agent (LOA) agent
selection method. LOA gives the fairest distribution of the work load,
optimizes agent productivity, and reduces Average Speed of Answer. To
get the greatest benefit from EAD-LOA, we recommend that you
minimize the number of skill levels assigned to agents. EAD-LOA works
best with 2-4 skill levels.
EAD-LOA selects the least occupied agent within a skill level; therefore,
an agent with higher skill levels will still have a higher overall occupancy.
If you do use the Most Idle Agent (MIA) agent selection method, Lucent
Technologies recommends that you measure MIA across splits or skills.
(LOA is always applied across skills.) To do this, set the
MIA Across
Splits or Skills?
field to Y on page 8 of the System-Parameters
Features form.
Predicted Wait
Time vs. Current
Wait Time
Lucent recommends that you use the Predicted Wait Time (PWT) call
selection method.
Current Wait Time (CWT) selects calls based on the recent past. This call
selection method tracks how long a call has waited in queue. When an
agent becomes available, CWT delivers the oldest call already waiting
from one of that agent’s skills.
Predicted Wait Time (PWT) selects calls based on the past and future.
This method also tracks how long a call has waited in queue; but, in
addition, it analyzes current system performance and predicts how long
the call would wait if the currently available agent does not answer it.
Predicted Wait Time attempts to eliminate long wait times, thereby
reducing abandonments. PWT is particularly useful when you need to
balance wait times between specialized skills staffed with a few agents
and one or more skills with large staffs.