Custom CentreVu
Advocate Solutions
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions to Meet Call Center Needs
Improve Agent
For agent selection, use UCD-LOA (best option) or EAD-LOA (better
option) to make the work load more uniform among agents (in particular,
those agents with many skills relative to agents with fewer skills). For call
selection, use the Percent Allocation call handling preference and assign
equal percentages to all agents for favored and unfavored skills.
Supervisors often move agents from one skill to another or adjust an
agent’s skill levels to try and meet call center objectives or to improve an
individual agent’s workload. Use Service Level Supervisor to monitor the
performance of a particular skill (using the Expected Wait Time for the
skill), automatically adjust the number of agents assigned to the skill, and
change the assigned agents’ call selection process to provide a higher
level of service for a skill in trouble. In addition, the Predicted Wait Time
CentreVu Advocate feature automatically gives preference to smaller
skills while the Service Objective feature automatically minimizes the
deviation between each skill’s acceptable service level and its service
Solutions Table
The following table shows which EAS/
CentreVu Advocate features are
compatible with each other and which ones are not. The comments
column includes information regarding implementation and problem-
In general, implementing solutions that combine any of the four “Agents
Available” solutions or combine any of the three call handling preference
solutions (Greatest Need, Skill Level, and Percent Allocation) is not
recommended. If a solution is not listed as specifically compatible or
incompatible with another
CentreVu Advocate solution, then the effect is
Please refer to the “Call Center Solution” chapters in this document for
details on reports, feature administration, and feature descriptions.