Custom CentreVu
Advocate Solutions
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Planning Your Call Center—CentreVu Advocate with EAS
Planning Your Call Center—
CentreVu Advocate with EAS
This section presents the decisions that must be made at each level of
call center administration before implementing customized
Advocate solutions.
This section includes four tables that present and describe administration
decisions using Expert Agent Selection (EAS):
System-Level Decisions: This table presents system-level
administrative options and their results (Predicted Wait Time, MIA
Across Skills, ACW Considered Idle, Service Level Supervisor,
Service Objective).
Organization-Level Decisions: This table presents administrative
decisions and their results for a set of agents and skills that do not
cross organizations (Call Handling Preference, Service Objective,
Hunt Group Type, Service Level Supervisor).
Skill-Level Decisions: This table presents skill-level administrative
decisions and their results (Service Level Supervisor, Service
Agent-Level Decisions: This table presents agent-level
administration decisions and their results (Skill Mix, Skill Level,
Reserved Skills, Percent Allocation).
CentreVu Advocate, in conjunction with existing Expert Agent Selection
(EAS) features, can be used to meet a variety of business needs; for
example, building stronger relationships with some customers or
improving the overall efficiency of the call center as measured by
average speed of answer or maximum wait time.The solutions presented
in this document so far are only a selection of the total number of call
center solutions possible with
CentreVu Advocate. Custom call center
solutions can be created using
CentreVu Advocate.