Administer CentreVu
Advocate through CentreVu
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Agent Administration
5. Set the reserve agent’s skill level to Reserve 1 (R1) or Reserve2
(R2) for each assigned skill that the agent will receive calls for only
after that skill has exceeded its administered level 1 or level 2
6. Select OK to accept the assignment.
Use an Agent
If you have several agents that need to have the same assigned skills
and skill levels, use the Agent Template options on the Change Agent
Skills form to use the information for another agent.
1. Using procedures in the Chapter 6, “Agent Administration,” of the
CMS R3V8 Administration document (585-210-910),
define an agent template with the skill profiles you wish to apply to a
group of agents.
2. Select the agent template in the Select Agent/Template dialog box.
The Change Agent Skills dialog box will display with the skill profiles
for that template displayed.
3. Select the Agent Name(s)/Login ID(s) check box and enter up to
50 agents in the agent field or select up to 50 agents using the drop-
down list or Browse dialog box.
4. Select OK.
CentreVu Supervisor will buffer the change agent skills requests and
send them to the switch one at a time. A status dialog box will
display with the status of each agent request.
You may assign a script to change agent skills for up to 50 agents by
selecting the Script button. See the
Administration document (585-210-910) for more information.
Assign Direct
Agent Skill
Optionally, you may select the agent’s Direct Agent Skill. This will also
override the percentages administered if a call comes in for this skill.
1. To select a Direct Skill for the agent, select the skill from the drop-
down Direct Agent Skill: list.
2. The skill selected will become the skill for which the agent will
always receive calls.