Administer CentreVu
Advocate through CentreVu
CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Agent Administration
3. Select Add Skills.
4. Add the Agent’s Skills. The Assigned Skills grid will display.
5. Set the agent’s skill level for each assigned skill.
6. To make a skill the agent’s top skill (skill level: 1), select the skill in
the Grid and select Make Top Skill.
7. Select OK to accept the assignment.
Percent Allocation
On the Change Agent Skills dialog box, set an agent’s call handling
preference to Percent Allocation.
1. Select Call Handling Preference: Percent Allocation.
2. Optional: Select the Direct Agent Calls First check box. Selecting
Direct Agent Calls First will override the administered percentages
if calls do not mirror the forecast used to determine percentages. In
addition, Direct Agent Calls First will ensure that Direct Agent Calls
are sent to the agent first, even in an over threshold situation.
3. Set the agent’s percentage for each assigned skill. The total must be
equal to 100 percent across all skills.
4. Optional: To make a skill the agent’s top skill (skill level: 1), select
the skill in the Grid and select Make Top Skill.
5. Select OK to accept the assignment.
Assign Reserve
Reserve agents are agents assigned a skill level of Reserve 1 or Reserve
2 for the skills that they are backing up (not set as their Top Skill). An
agent may have a reserve 1 skill level set for more than one skill, in
addition to his or her top skill and other skill(s) that may have skill levels
of 2-16. To assign reserve agents, use the following steps on the Change
Agent Skills dialog box:
1. Select Call Handling Preference: Greatest Need or Skill Level or
Percent Allocation
2. To administer Service Objective, Select the Service Objective
check box.
3. Select Add Skills.
4. Add skills for the agent based on the agent’s expertise. The
Assigned Skills grid will display.