Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
5 - 10 System Testing
Issue 6 September 1999
20 seconds, the rectifier will shut down and issue an RFA.
Shut the rectifier off via the ON/OFF power switch, and
lower the voltage by depressing the LOWER VOLTAGE
pushbutton for approximately five seconds.
11. Turn the rectifier back on via the ON/OFF power switch.
Set the load to 10-20 amperes and adjust the output voltage
to the recorded voltage made in Step 6. Turn off the
rectifier via the ON/OFF power switch.
12. Repeat test procedure steps 1 through 11 for all the
After completing these test procedures, follow these final steps:
Remove all load.
Reconnect the control (J202) and REG (J208) cables to the
208G board of each rectifier. Reinstall the REG fuses.
Turn on all rectifiers and wait 10-20 seconds.
Operate the battery disconnect switch to On for each
position that has a battery string connected to it.
Rectifier Equalize
Adjustment (on
1. Set the plant load to zero.
2. Turn off all rectifiers via their POWER switches.
3. Remove control cable J202 ONLY from each rectifier at
the 208G board.
4. On the 208G circuit pack of each rectifier, operate DIP
switch S205.3 to Off. This will enable local equalize in
each rectifier.
5. Turn one rectifier On via the POWER switch.
6. Set the plant load to 10 - 20 amperes.
7. Operate the Float/Equalize switch on the front of the
rectifier to EQUALIZE. Adjust the rectifier output voltage
to 156 volts.
8. Operate the Float/Equalize switch to Float.