P A D - C L I M A T E - S Y S T E M
Assembly instruction and operators manual
3.7.8. Covers
After the demanded drying time of all glue connections press the entire Pad Support
on the Watergutter. Fasten the Pad Covers with in each case 6 screws evenly over
the length distributed. For closing the Deflector section set up the Endcover for De-
flector. Glue the Transition Piece at (to) the End(s) and screw the Sealing Cap on the
Transition Piece. Consider the drying time (24 hours)!
Push the first Pad into the Pad Cover. Put the other Pad onto the Pad Support. Fas-
ten the Pad Guide for each middle element afterwards. Use to connect the Pad
Guide to the Pad Guide Coupler.
Push the last but one Pad into the Pad Cover. Then place the last Pad to the free po-
sition and fasten with the Pad Guide.
3.7.9. Deflector
Clip in the Deflector over the
whole length and use the
Deflector Couplings to con-
nect them.