SWA 1 and SWB ANY)
Depending on the configuration of your firmware, this stick-po-
sition (SWA 1 / SWB ANY) switches to either of the so-called
AOC-modes. AOC is short of “Advanced Orientation Control”.
BY DEFAULT, the AOC-mode which is active is CIRCULAR,
but it can be set to HEADLESS FLYING or CRUISE instead by
using the configuration software for your Gravit (see chapter
CIRCULAR-mode (POI, Point of interest)
GPS-assisted: YES
Altimeter: NO
DEFAULT stick configuration: NO
Circular mode lets your Gravit fly circles around a defined point
of interest. While doing so, the Gravit will attempt to keep
its nose (and the camera) face towards this point of interest,
so that the POI is always in the center of the camera’s video
footage (but filmed from different, circular positions).
In detail, the mode work like this:
1) First, you choose your “point of interest” by flying above
the point. Such a point could be the center of a soccer
field, for example.
2) When you are right above this point, enter CIRCULAR-mo-
de by switching to SWA to Pos. 1 (middle). Upon swit-
ching to Pos.1, the Gravit records the GPS-coordinates for
your chosen point of interest (do NOT switch to CIRCULAR
mode BEFORE you are hovering over your point of interest,
otherwise, the wrong coordinates will be saved and used).
3) The Gravit will begin to fly a circle with a radius of approxi-
mately 20 m into clockwise direction at a speed of around
1m/second. While doing so, the Gravit will re-adjust its
orientation several times so that the front (and thus the
camera) is always facing towards the center of the circle,
which is you choosen point of interest.
4) The controls are DIFFERENT from the standard controls
while in CIRCULAR-mode:
- Right control stick up and down
Increase and decrease
the radius of the circle the Gravit is flying
- Right control stick to the right and left
Will either
INCREASE or DECREASE (and finally reverse) the flying
speed (or rotation direction respectively), depending
on whether the Gravit is flying clockwise or counter-
clockwise. Example: Let’s assume your Gravit is circling
CLOCKWISE around the point of interest (which is the def-
ault direction). To speed up its flying, you have to push the
right control stick to the right (which equals clockwise), to
slow down the flight, you have to push the stick to the left
(which equals counter-clockwise). If you slow down the
flight, the Gravit will eventually come to a standstill and if
you keep on pushing the stick into the same direction, the
Gravit will start to fly COUNTER-CLOCKWISE.
- Moving throttle up and down increases and decreases
height, moving the left stick to the right and left, has NO
EFFECT (no yawing possible).
5) To end the CIRCULAR-mode, switch to any other flight
mode using the SWA and SWB switches
6) To set a NEW point of interest, exit and re-enter the
GPS-assisted: YES
Altimeter: NO
DEFAULT stick configuration: NO
When you enter HEADLESS-mode, the Gravit memorizes its
current orientation (=it’s facing of the front). As long as you
stay in this mode, the flight direction of the copter will always
be based on the memorized orientation when you issue flight
controls, no matter what direction the copter is ACTUALLY
Here is an example. Let‘s say that you have positioned the
Gravit in front of you on the ground, facing straight AWAY
from you towards NORTH with its front. Then you switch to
HEADLESS FLYING-mode. Your Gravit memorizes this heading/
orientation as „forward“ (or NORTH) position/heading. Next
you take off and rotate the Gravit by 180°, facing towards you
(SOUTH) with its front. If you now issue the flight command
„Fly forwards“ by moving your right control stick upwards, the
Gravit will actually fly AWAY from you (towards its memorized
forward/NORTH position, INSTEAD of flying TOWARDS you
(south) as it would normally when facing you with its front.
This means, once you enter HEADLESS-mode, the controls
of the Gravit are „locked“ relative to the heading it had when
you entered the mode. If you do not switch your position,
moving your control stick right will always make the Gravit fly
right, no matter which orientation the Gravit‘s front actually
has. The same goes for flying left, forward and backward.
How HEADLESS-mode should be normally used:
To get the most out of this feature, LRP advises to enable
„Headless Flying“ ONLY when the copter is actually facing
STRAIGHT AWAY from you with its FRONT. By doing so, you
can easily control the Gravit during flight because you simply
have to push the control sticks into the direction you want the