L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Under LonMaker => Network Properties => Plug-In Registration make sure that the
Redundant Configuration Plug-In
shows up under “Already Registered”.
Figure 107: Double check that the L-IP Redundant Configuration Plug-In is properly registered
9.4.3 Adding the L-IP Redundant
The L-IP Redundant can be used standalone or with router redundancy. Depending on
which operation scenario is selected, different steps have to be taken to add your L-IP
Redundant router(s) to your network. L-IP Redundant Standalone
For operating the L-IP Redundant in standalone mode (see Figure 98), the following steps
have to be performed:
Add a single router shape. Connect it to an IP-Channel on one side and to a FT-10
Channel on the other side of the router.
Add one L-IP Redundant built-in diagnostic node “L-IP Redundant Diagnostic FT-10”
device shapes on the FT-10 channel. The corresponding device template will be
installed with the L-IP Redundant Plug-In (see Section 9.4.1).
To get a service pin message for commissioning the diagnostic node, press the Status
button on the L-IP Redundant (see Section 4.5) or use the
Send Service Pin Msg
button in the corresponding section of the Device Information Page in the Web
interface (see Section 6.1).
If using LonMaker for Windows the resulting drawing should look like shown in Figure