L-INX User Manual
Version 4.0
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Download Configuration to device
Section 6.6.4
M-Bus devices already configured
in the network?
Configure M-Bus devices (change
baudrate, change address)
Section 10.7.3
Manually Configure M-Bus devices and
data points
Section 10.7.4
Scan M-Bus devices and data points
Section 10.7.2
Import M-Bus device templates
Section 10.7.5
Figure 171: Workflow for online engineering.
10.7 Using the Configurator for M-Bus
10.7.1 Automatic Naming
Operations which automatically generate M-Bus data points or allocate M-Bus devices use
auto naming. Automatic naming is also used, when a device is applied and no device name
is specified.
The automatic device name is concatenated from the device medium (e.g. Electricity), the 3
character M-Bus manufacturer code and the address. For example the device could be
automatically named ―Electricity_LOY_7‖. If a name is specified, the device name of the
applied device is concatenated the address, e.g., ―Device_7‖.
The automatic data point name is concatenated from the device name the data point is
related with and the type of the data point. For example if a data point is an energy counter
value in the device ―Electricity_LOY_7‖, the name ―Electricity_LOY_7_Energy‖ is
10.7.2 Scanning the M-Bus Network
The Configurator software can connect to the device and perform an M-Bus network scan.
The network scan searches for connected M-Bus devices and data points on those devices.
The device scan goes through each address on the M-Bus network using the specified Baud
rates. When scanning for a device the M-Bus scanner starts with the highest specified Baud
rate. If the device is found, it is added to the device list, if not, the scan tries to find the
device address with the next lower Baud rate and so on.
The M-Bus scan can only scan for input data points. Output data points can be created
manually or imported via a device template.
To Scan for Devices
Connect to the device via FTP as described in section 6.6.1.