Pub. 988-0154-651
LGC-3000, LGC-Baja
GPS Modules
Installation Instructions
This instruction sheet tells how to install your LGC-3000 or LGC-Baja
GPS module and connect it to a NMEA 2000
network using
network components.
The LGC-Baja is a ruggedized module designed to withstand the rigors of off-
road automobile racing. It works just like the LGC-3000, and for simplicity
we will only refer to the LGC-3000 in the rest of this instruction sheet.
The LGC-3000 GPS module, like the other Lowrance Electronic Probe
(EP) sensors, is designed only for use with a NMEA 2000 Network. It
be connected to a NMEA 2000 network or it
Installing LowranceNET NMEA 2000 devices is
from installing earlier Lowrance components without
NMEA 2000 features. You should read all of the installation in-
structions before proceeding. You should decide where to install
all components before drilling any holes in your vessel or vehicle.
Some sonar or GPS display units may require: 1. a software upgrade to
display NMEA 2000 data correctly; and 2. a manual addendum describ-
ing how to operate the sensor. You can download these free and get ad-
ditional information on the NMEA 2000
compatible LowranceNET
system at our web site,
All Lowrance NMEA 2000 capable devices are either NMEA 2000 certi-
fied or certification is pending. See our web site for the latest product
status information.
LGC-3000 Module, bottom view (left) and top view (right).