Starting Dobby Web Interface (all sessions after the first session)
1. Turn on the dobby computer: Switch to 1 (=ON)
If you use the Louët WiFi connection without an Internet connection (IP address on the dobby display):
Use the network settings for your device’s WiFi to connect to Louëtwifi (See
the instructions for the 'first session').
You can set the network settings on your device to automatically restore the
connection if both devices are turned on.
If you have set up the connection to the Internet (IP address 192. xx. xx. xx or 172.
xx. xx. xx), the Dobby will automatically contact the network. If the network is not
available, the text "No Connection" will appear on the Dobby display. In that case,
check that the router or mobile hotspot is online. Turn off the Dobby computer and
then turn it on again.
Open the Internet browser on the device.
If the web interface screen is still open
from the previous session, refresh the
Enter the IP address on the address line of
the browser. (The IP address is on the
display of the Dobby.)
If the device has not previously been connected
via WiFi, the Dobby password will be asked for.
This password is displayed on the Dobby display.
If the network connection is dropped, the text "No connection" will be displayed.
Once the network is available again, the connection will be automatically restored.
You may need to refresh the weaving screen by tapping the address line again.
Next, you will need to reopen the weave file. The last woven pick is always
remembered by the Dobby.
If the Dobby fails to reconnect, turn off the Dobby and turn it back on again after
about a minute. If there is no connection to the home network, check whether other
devices in your home also have a network problem.
In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to do a factory reset on the Dobby (refer
to the Dobby 2.0 Installation Manual) to rebuild the network connection.
Next step:
Lift Plan
(page 8)